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Free Webinar: Using a Media Literacy Lens to Examine Media Coverage

  • July 28, 2020
  • 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
  • Webinar Online (Eastern Standard Time)


Registration is closed

Webinar Link: Will be emailed to all registered attendees one-hour prior to the event. 

SCCAAS will host a Free Webinar Tuesday, July 28 from 6 to 7 p.m. (est), with guest speakers Frank Baker and Chanda Robinson.

Using a Media Literacy Lens to Examine Media Coverage:
From the Civil Rights movement to today, how we (and our students) see and understand our world depends on our ability to "read" the pictures. Media educator Frank Baker will present on visual literacy and media literacy--important 21st century skills all students need. (Recommended Readings Below)

Chanda Robinson will cover a comparison between the 2011 standards and the newly adopted standards. 


This is a free webinar series for everyone, but as a member of SCCAAS you will receive the following extra benefits:

  • Up to 3 hours of certificate renewal credit--1 instructional hour of credit for each webinar session attended; 
  • A bonus educational resource gift for attending at least one session; and
  • Access to view this webinar and other previously recorded webinars on the SCCAAS website
  • Monthly Newsletter
  • Discount pricing for any SCCAAS sponsored events

An annual membership is only $20; become a member today! 

Speaker Information: 
Frank Baker
2019 GAPMIL Awardee

Author: Close Reading The Media (Routledge)

Author: Media Literacy in the K12 Classroom (ISTE)
Blogger:  MiddleWeb
Media Literacy Clearinghouse
(Like us on Facebook)
Follow Frank on Twitter: @fbaker


Bonus: Free gift to all Current, Renewing and New members that attend one session in the series. Become a member of SCCAAS today

The webinar will be accessed through the online application, Zoom. Once you receive the access link sign-on to the meeting at least 15 minutes prior to the meeting time.  

**Note: The link to access the event will be emailed to each registered attendee one-hour prior to the event.**

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