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African American Historic Sites Professional Learning Opportunity

The South Carolina Council for African American Studies (SCCAAS), in partnership with the Institute for the Study of Reconstruction Era (ISRE) at USC-Beaufort, is accepting applications to work with 16 Social Studies teachers in grades 2, 4, 7, 8 and 11 who will participate in a 5-day professional learning opportunity that will explore several African American historical sites in Beaufort County. Teachers accepted in the seminar opportunity will be required to develop at least two inquiry-based instructional units with primary document text sets that explore the topic, “Sins of Omission: Beaufort, South Carolina, Civil War and Reconstruction.” 

Apply Now
Deadline: Friday, May 10, 2024 by 11:59 p.m.


  • All South Carolina Social Studies teachers are encouraged to apply. Additionally, we are recruiting teachers in Beaufort County to be participants at each grade level. (Previous Institutes have had teachers from Columbia, Florence, Spartanburg, Beaufort, Orangeburg, Aiken, Darlington, Hampton, Charleston, Anderson, Sumter, Horry, and more.)
  • In addition to books, materials and content knowledge, participants will receive a stipend upon completion of all professional learning opportunity requirements. 
  • Room, board/food, and transportation to historic sites will be provided for all participants during the program. (See schedule and mandatory dates of attendance below.)
  • Accepted Applicants Notified by Email: Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Schedule and **Mandatory Attendance Dates: (Print this Information)




May 29

Workshop meeting

Online via Zoom

  • 6 - 7:30 p.m. - Project Directors and Curriculum Team will discuss with participants the vision, expectations, and timeline for the project. 

June 9

Participants travel to Beaufort

  • 4 - 6 p.m. - Participants will report and check-in to lodging.

  • 6 -7 p.m.- PLO Staff will host a 1-hour welcome meeting with introductions. Distribution of resource materials and supplies.

June 10 - Friday,
June 14

Beaufort and surrounding areas

  • PLO Workshop and Site Visits

June 22 or before

DRAFT Due Date

Google Drive Folder

  • Teachers must submit their draft instructional units to the designated curriculum consultant and arrange a one-on-one review meeting. 

Sunday, June 30

Due Date

Via Google Drive

  • Final due date - Completed Units must be uploaded to the PLO Google Drive by 11:59 p.m. Sunday, June 30.

“Sins of Omission: Beaufort, South Carolina, Civil War and Reconstruction.”
Using the history of the Beaufort region from 1861 to 1900, participants will develop inquiry-based instructional units with primary document text sets. In this project, participants will focus on how to use narrative-based inquiry methods to help students understand the experiences of African Americans from 1861-1900 by: 1) participating in discussions with experts as they relate to the region, state and nation; 2) examining prominent African American historical sites; 3) interacting with descendants and/or preservers of designated locations; and 4) working in collaborative groups to develop the ten required units of inquiry-based instructional plans and materials for publication.

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